
Riba, Islam, Quran, Interpretation, Translation.


The concept of riba or usury is an important issue in Islamic economics and finance. Riba is considered to be haram or forbidden in Islam, and its prohibition is mentioned in various verses of the Quran. The research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to the type of library research in which researchers examine and analyze the interpretation of Qur'anic verses related to the riba or usury. This research aims to deepen the understanding of riba in Islam through the interpretation of related Quranic verses. The method used is literature analysis, by collecting references from primary and secondary sources about riba in Islam. This study examines in detail the Quranic verses that discuss riba, and provides translations and an analysis of the meaning of each verse. The results show that riba is prohibited in Islam because it can result in injustice and harm to society. This research can be a reference for religious scholars, students, and the general public who want to understand more about riba in Islam.

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