MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
<p><strong>MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (HES) - STAI Nida El-Adabi Bogor, bekerjasama dengan LP2M STAI Nida El-Adabi Bogor. <strong>MIZANUNA</strong><strong> </strong>memiliki fokus pada bidang Ilmu Hukum Islam dan Illmu Ekonomi Syariah. <strong>MIZANUNA</strong> mengundang Bapak/ Ibu akademisi (peneliti) untuk mempublikasikan hasil penulisan karya ilmiah terbaiknya, yang akan terbit dua kali dalam setahun (tiap bulan Juni dan Desember).</p>LPPM STAI Nida El-Adabien-USMIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah2986-6642PROSPEK DAN TANTANGAN EKSPOR MOTOR
<p><em>Exporting motorcycles is one of the important sectors in the Indonesian economy. Motorcycle exports can provide significant economic benefits, such as increasing national income due to high global demand, competitive advantage, government support for job creation, and enhancing the competitiveness of the Indonesian automotive industry. From the perspective of Islamic economic law, motorcycle exports can be considered permissible activities, as they do not contradict the principles of Islamic law. However, there are several things to consider in motorcycle exports from the perspective of Islamic economic law, such as: First, financing for motorcycle exports must be done in a Sharia-compliant manner, avoiding elements of riba, gharar, and maysir. Second, the quality of exported motorcycle products must meet the quality standards applicable in the destination country. Third, the price of exported motorcycles must be set reasonably, without exploitation. Fourth, business conduct, meaning exporters must behave honestly and transparently, without engaging in fraud. This research aims to analyze the prospects and challenges of motorcycle exports from the perspective of Islamic economic law. This research uses a descriptive research method and research data is obtained through literature review. The research findings indicate that motorcycle exports have bright prospects, but also face several challenges, such as increasingly fierce competition, regulatory changes, logistics costs, and currency exchange rates.</em></p>Diyah Pertywi SetyawatiFahrul HidayatCici Amelia Destriyanti Pratiwi Pratiwi
Copyright (c) 2024 MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), inflation rate, and unemployment rate on economic growth in Indonesia using a linear regression model that provides a deeper understanding of the role of MSMEs, inflation, and unemployment in driving economic growth in Indonesia. The results of this study can be used to formulate appropriate policies to support MSMEs, control inflation, address unemployment, and ultimately achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. The data used in this study covers a specific time period and comes from various sources, including national economic statistics, MSME data, inflation index, and employment data. The results of the analysis show a significant relationship between the MSME variable and economic growth, suggesting that rapid MSME growth can have a negative impact on overall economic growth. Meanwhile, the Inflation variable indicates that a controlled inflation rate can contribute positively to economic growth. The Unemployment variable, indicates that high levels of unemployment can be detrimental to economic growth. Nonetheless, this study has limitations, including data limitations and regression model assumptions. The global economic context and other external factors may also affect the results of the analysis. Therefore, the regression results should be understood in a broader context.</em></p>Merry Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
<p><em>This research is entitled The Function of the Police Code of Ethics in Preventing Violations by Members of the Police. The problem in this study is whether the police code of ethics has functioned properly against members of the police as legal officers and whether there are obstacles in applying sanctions against members of the police who violate the police code of ethics. The benefits of this research are expected to be useful for the development of legal science in general. The method used in this research is normative legal research. This research examines the Police Code of Ethics. The conclusion of this research is that the police code of ethics has functioned against members of the police as law enforcement officials. So that with the functioning of the police code of ethics, it can suppress violations of the police code of ethics. The regulation of the Police Professional Code of Ethics is not given an adequate explanation or even no explanation at all, there is still reluctance to examine their own colleagues. The suggestion of this research is that police who commit violations of the police code of ethics, then the prosecution of violations of the police code of ethics must be processed transparently, firmly and responsibly. It is necessary to have a discretion to supervise the police as state apparatus.</em></p>Riyan YudinataAndri NurwandriSiti NurainiIlham RomadhonaZakiah Astuti
Copyright (c) 2024 MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
2024-06-282024-06-2821324410.59166/mizanuna.v2i1.144BEBAN KERJA DAN STRES PADA PROFESI HAKIM
<p><em>The court judge is an institution that plays an active role in judicial power, to examine, decide and resolve criminal cases in the city at the first instance. Not infrequently the profession of judge also gets a bad label from society. This research took samples from annual case files that were successfully completed by Supreme Court Judges. The research method used is the associative descriptive method. The results of this research were obtained from analyzing literature reviews from various references regarding the impacts and causes of stress at work. This research also examines the rights and authority of a judge as well as the public's views regarding this profession. After obtaining the theory and phenomena that occurred, this researcher used a workload formula by taking samples of case files in 2020 that had been completed by Supreme Court Judges.</em></p>Mega Monika LestariAndri NurwandiYurissa UmamiIrmayani SiraitYulfiza Khomsi
Copyright (c) 2024 MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
2024-06-282024-06-2821455810.59166/mizanuna.v2i1.139DISKURSUS SEPUTAR EPISTEMOLOGI TAFSĪR AḤKĀM
<p><em>The study of Tafsīr Aḥkām is to examine the interpretation of Al-Qur'an verses related to Islamic sharia laws. The main aim of this research is to analyze the methods and approaches used by mufasir (interpreters) in explaining and understanding legal verses, as well as how these interpretations are applied in the lives of Muslims. This research covers several important aspects, such as: the epistemology of Tafsīr Aḥkām, various schools of thought in the book of Tafsīr Aḥkām, along with examples of their interpretation. The research results show that Tafsīr Aḥkām has a crucial role in shaping the understanding and application of Islamic law. Differences in interpretive methods and legal approaches result in variations in the interpretation of legal verses, which in turn influence the religious practices and social life of Muslims. This paper also emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexity and diversity in ahkam interpretation to support constructive dialogue and a deeper understanding of Islamic law. Thus, this research contributes to the development of Islamic interpretation and law studies, as well as enriching insight into how Islamic law can be implemented effectively in various contexts.</em></p>KerwantoIbrahim FurqonAhmad Mubassyir
Copyright (c) 2024 MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
<p><em>This research aims to analyse the role of financing and fostering BMT, as a shariah microfinance institution, on business development and improving micro & small business partners' welfare, a case study at BMT Al Fath IKMI Ciputat. The study was conducted using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The research results show that financing and fostering have a significant influence on business development which then has an impact on increasing welfare. This study provides empirical evidence that BMT intervention through financing and coaching can increase the capacity of micro and small businesses and improve its members' economic welfare.</em></p>Annisa KhairaniLuthfi R
Copyright (c) 2024 MIZANUNA: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah