
The study of Tafsīr Aḥkām is to examine the interpretation of Al-Qur'an verses related to Islamic sharia laws. The main aim of this research is to analyze the methods and approaches used by mufasir (interpreters) in explaining and understanding legal verses, as well as how these interpretations are applied in the lives of Muslims. This research covers several important aspects, such as: the epistemology of Tafsīr Aḥkām, various schools of thought in the book of Tafsīr Aḥkām, along with examples of their interpretation. The research results show that Tafsīr Aḥkām has a crucial role in shaping the understanding and application of Islamic law. Differences in interpretive methods and legal approaches result in variations in the interpretation of legal verses, which in turn influence the religious practices and social life of Muslims. This paper also emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexity and diversity in ahkam interpretation to support constructive dialogue and a deeper understanding of Islamic law. Thus, this research contributes to the development of Islamic interpretation and law studies, as well as enriching insight into how Islamic law can be implemented effectively in various contexts.


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