
This study aims to analyze the effect of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), inflation rate, and unemployment rate on economic growth in Indonesia using a linear regression model that provides a deeper understanding of the role of MSMEs, inflation, and unemployment in driving economic growth in Indonesia. The results of this study can be used to formulate appropriate policies to support MSMEs, control inflation, address unemployment, and ultimately achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. The data used in this study covers a specific time period and comes from various sources, including national economic statistics, MSME data, inflation index, and employment data. The results of the analysis show a significant relationship between the MSME variable and economic growth, suggesting that rapid MSME growth can have a negative impact on overall economic growth. Meanwhile, the Inflation variable indicates that a controlled inflation rate can contribute positively to economic growth. The Unemployment variable, indicates that high levels of unemployment can be detrimental to economic growth. Nonetheless, this study has limitations, including data limitations and regression model assumptions. The global economic context and other external factors may also affect the results of the analysis. Therefore, the regression results should be understood in a broader context.

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