
The difficulties of Muslim women entrepreneurs in becoming successful can be reduced easily when they master an understanding of the law of attraction based on the Al-Qur'an. There is a lot of data that currently women have a significant and important role in supporting the economic life of their families and regions. This study was conducted to explore the meaning of the law of attraction that Muslim women have as successful entrepreneurs. The method used is a case study approach. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews with three successful Muslim women entrepreneurs in the Bone area of ​​Makassar, South Sulawesi, in the fields of traditional culinary, Muslim clothing and residential property. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework implements the law attraction approach as part of the concept of intrapersonal communication. The research results were analyzed by involving the concept of law attraction and the Al-Qur'an perspective as well as hadith on concepts, namely: like attracts like, nature abhors a vacuum, and the present is always perfect. Descriptions from three sources in applying the law of attraction indicate that the way of thinking (mindset) internalized by Muslim women entrepreneurs in Makassar is a strong guide in achieving success supported by an approach to the Al-Qur'an which contains many essences about the need to be a strong and always dependent Muslim to Allah SWT according to each individual's potential, capacity and capability. So that women can be strong and independent to become economic pillars, both in their families and their respective regions.

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