SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam <p><strong>SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Prodi Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam (MPAI) - STAI Nida El-Adabi Bogor, bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) STAI Nida El-Adabi.</p> <p>Scope kajian jurnal <strong>SYAIKHONA </strong>diantaranya: <br />1.Pengembangan Kurikulum PAI<br />2. Perencanaan dan Manajemen Pembelajaran PAI<br />3. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran PAI<br />4. Pengembangan Evaluasi pembelajaran PAI<br />5. Filsafat Ilmu dan Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam<br />6. Studi Al-Qur’an dan Hadis Perspektif Pendidikan Islam</p> <p> Jurnal <strong>SYAIKHONA</strong> mengundang Peneliti (akademisi) untuk mempublikasikan hasil penulisan karya ilmiah terbaiknya yang terbit tiap bulan April dan Oktober (dua Kali setahun).</p> Prodi Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam (MPAI) - STAI Nida El-Adabi Bogor en-US SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 3025-9053 STRATEGI ORANG TUA DALAM MENUMBUHKAN SIKAP REMAJA DALAM PENGGUNAAN INTERNET PADA DESA MUARA MEGANG MUSI RAWAS <p><em>Social media is a place to share information and communication for Indonesian people. Things that cannot be separated from life and almost every moment cannot be separated from smartphones. Smartphones have positive and negative impacts that are felt by the public. Apart from that, technology can also make work easier, but the negative impacts of technology are the rise of kidnapping, pornography, rape, drugs and prostitution transactions. This research aims to analyze parents' strategies for cultivating wise attitudes in using the internet in Muara Megang Musi Rawas village from research. This research uses a qualitative method with an approach based on facts in the field. We conducted this research, making the researcher the instrument who will later conduct interviews, observations and documentation as the basis for this research. that poor use of the internet has a very negative impact on the daily character of teenagers and that is why parents need to educate their children well in using the internet, including providing education about the bad impacts of bad actions and supervising their use of the internet in everyday life. . By providing education to teenagers about how to use the internet safely and responsibly. This includes explaining dangers such as cyberbullying, online fraud, and inappropriate content. Parents can also set limits on internet use, this includes time limits, the type of content that can be accessed, and the devices that can be used and provide examples for teenagers in using the internet where parents must show teenagers how to use the internet in a positive and positive way. productive. The author recommends that in the future more in-depth follow-up research be conducted regarding how to make the internet a media for motivating teenagers to develop their potential.</em></p> nurlila kamsi Yesi Arikarani Siti Nabilah Rifdah Azzahra Pipit Malani Copyright (c) 2024 SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 2 1 1 22 10.59166/syaikhona.v2i1.171 IMPLEMENTASI METODE MIND MAP DAN MARKET DAY UNTUK MENCAPAI KETUNTASAN BELAJAR AL-QUR’AN-HADIS SECARA MENYENANGKAN <p><em>This research aims to explain the implementation of the mind map and market day methods to achieve completeness in learning Al-Qur’an-Hadis in a fun manner at MAN 1 Tangerang. The scope includes cooperative learning media and learning methods. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection through interviews with data triangulation. The results of this research show that the mind map and market day methods make students learn creatively and happily. The impact on learning outcomes is cognitive completeness and completeness in psychomotor competence. The benefit of this article can be as a reference for educational practitioners in using various methods. The implication of this research is that the thr process of learning Al-Qur’an-Hadis becomes enjoyable and the learning outcomes are complete cognitive (psychomotor). Suggestions for further research include quantitative research to see the magnitude of the influence of each variable.</em></p> Wij Lestari Kerwanto Imat Ruhimat Reffy Ananda Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 2 1 23 40 10.59166/syaikhona.v2i1.152 MODERNISASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM ALAM MELAYU <p><em>This article aims to review the history of the development of Islamic religious education in the Malay World, especially West Sumatra and North Sumatra. This qualitative research uses a descriptive analytical approach. Data is collected from various library sources, then analyzed, verified and presented narratively. The results of the research show that West Sumatra is not only the heart of the renewal of Islamic religious education in the Malay World, but also a source of energy for the renewal of Islamic thought in Indonesia. The renewal of Islamic religious education in West Sumatra influenced thinking about Islamic religious education in other regions, including North Sumatra. The most massive renewal of Islamic religious education in North Sumatra occurred in the modern Islamic boarding school education curriculum.</em></p> Miswari Miswari Copyright (c) 2024 SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 2 1 41 66 10.59166/syaikhona.v2i1.183 MODERASI BERAGAMA DALAM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM BERDASARKAN LITERATUR AL-QUR’AN DAN HADITS <p><em>This research aims to outline religious moderation in Islamic education based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith literature to equip students in the world of Islamic education to truly maintain their religious values and maintain unity and unity. This research is qualitative descriptive research with a literature study approach that refers to several research data sources and data collection techniques in the form of studies on religious moderation. The focus of the research that will be raised is the construction of religious moderation in Islamic education based on the literature of the Koran and Hadith. The data collection technique used in this research is the library research method, namely library study with the data analysis technique used in this research being the descriptive method. In this research, it can be concluded that moderation is paired with the words wasath or wasathiyah, or it could be paired with the word tawassuth. The root of this word is contained in the Al-Quran, namely in QS. Al-Baqarah verses 143 &amp; 238, QS. Al-Qalam verse 28, and QS. Al-Adiyat verse 5. Thus, the implications for the Al-Quran and Hadith that can be coherence with Islamic religious education are that it is far from violence which has recently become increasingly common in the context of bullying, the existence of love of peace, a tolerant nature, maintains noble values well amid changing times. integrated with Westernization, a priority scale that prioritizes goodness, flexibility and always innovative for benefit-based reform.</em></p> Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi Abdul Muhaemin Sofia Martini Anita Andriani Sabrina Yasmin Copyright (c) 2024 SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 2 1 67 84 10.59166/syaikhona.v2i1.180 PENGARUH PENERAPAN SHALAT DZUHUR BERJAMAAH DAN MENGAJI AL-QUR’AN TERHADAP KARAKTER SISWA DI PONPES DARUL HIKMAH LANGKAP BURNEH BANGKALAN <p><em>Good student character is formed by sincerity and a sense of responsibility for students supported by teacher activity as the main support. The success of building good character certainly does not escape from the spiritual good deeply towards the students themselves. The importance of providing direction as well as direct knowledge and practice makes students more quickly understand and follow these habits so that they stick to character in students. This research method uses quantitative methods that aim to produce findings from objectives based on statistical procedures with quantitative measurements collaborated on multiple linear regression analysis methods with SPSS applications. The population in this study was students in Ponpes Darul Hikmah Langkap, Burneh, Bangkalan with a sample of 33 students. The purpose of the study was to determine how much influence the application of congregational dzuhur prayer and Qur'an recitation on the character of students at PonPes Darul Hikmah. The results showed that: (1) There was no significant influence between congregational dzuhur prayers on building the character of students at PonPes Darul Hikmah Langkap Burneh Bangkalan. Which is shown from tcount &gt; ttable (0.186≤ 1.965). (2) There is no significant effect between reading the Qur'an on building student character as shown from thitung &gt; ttabel (0.287≤ 1.965). (3) There is no significant influence between congregational prayer and Qur'an reading on building student character as shown from Fhitung (0.141) &gt; Ftabel (2.52), the number of squre which explains that the congregational prayer and reciting the Qur'an (X) to the character of the student (Y) is 0.009 (9%) and the rest is influenced by other variables.</em></p> Nor Istiana Rizqiyah Junaidi Copyright (c) 2024 SYAIKHONA: Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 2 1 85 99 10.59166/syaikhona.v2i1.189